Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

Snowdrops Forecast

It's been a week of "weather watching" and waiting for a bright day to visit Welford Park, host to the Great British Bake Off and home to glorious snowdrop filled woodlands.  Finally a day of "sunny intervals" was forecast, albeit a touch on the cold side, so I headed off.

For my first walk round the woods in the morning it was still cold so the snowdrops hadn't quite woken up and were mainly tight buds, but I took a second wander round in the afternoon by which time the flowers had started to open up in the warmer sun.  

The woodland was carpeted with snowdrops and I was even fortunate to see a pair of swans swimming along the River Lambourn which runs through the estate and in front of the house (extras).

My main image, however, just has to be a snowdrop portrait for Flower Friday.

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