My Mammy
is seriously ill at the moment. The last few days have been very difficult for her. Unfortunately her condition is not improving. She is not eating which is very unusual for her.
There is a small church in the nursing home where she resides. I pushed her down in a wheelchair from her room so she could light a candle and say a prayer. It was all she could do.
When she was saying her prayer, I walked around the church to see what all the plaques were for. To say I was shocked is putting it mildly. The plaques were all from Irish regiments in the British Army. Afterwards when I made enquiries, apparently the nursing home used to be a military hospital with links to the British Army. Cough ! Splutter! Splutter! (Anyone who knows me would appreciate the irony in this). Let’s park that, shall we - good idea Jean.
I would like to recount a character profile which I know at least one blipper might appreciate.
One of my mother’s nurses is Roumanian. She has got to be the most caring, gentle, compassionate person I have met in a long time. I chatted to her today and I was asking her what her hobbies were. In her spare time she works for the Homeless Charity in Bray. Yes Bray. She lives in Bray and I think I have persuaded her to come and swim with me and my pals. You never know where you make connections.
I am exhausted and sad at the moment. I love my mammy dearly and it’s heartbreaking to see her fading away. She was always bright as a button.
See extra - which I will delete soon
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