
By pandieb


The days are getting longer by an average of four minutes a day at the moment. Or they are down here in sunny South London anyway. And it didn't even start raining until about 3pm today. Result (as they say).

While Himself was running round the park I started clearing out the garage. Again. I'm not sure how it gets full so quickly but today I got rid of three black sacks of rubbish and Freecycled four new, unopened, tins of paint. Three in different shades of blue (one of which I've never even used in this house) and one in a shade of yellow I think I bought by mistake as it was a silk finish not a matt one.

I also started cutting back and tidying up the garden for the first time this year, starting the war on next doors ivy and a slightly thuggy buddleia. 

All in all a fairly satisfying day.

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