horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

New Girls

Our flock becomes a baker’s dozen. Two Salmon Faverolles (a pure breed developed in the 1860s, they develop a magnificent beard, and have five-toed feet); and two hybrid Rhode Rocks (hybridised between the Rhode Rock Red and Barred Plymouth Rock). Names seem to be Coco and Chanel for the Faverolles (being French) and Cersei and Sansa for the Rhode Rocks (can’t tell the difference between them yet, so they’re interchangeable).

Just a little aggro, nothing major. Alice, one of our Blacktails, has been welcoming, and little Nina, the Pom-pommed Poland, seems a bit shocked at finding chickens her small size (though the Rhode Rocks have a lot of growing to do).

The Faverolles are already almost as big as Siggy, the Queen Bee. 

Dorian, meanwhile, is being as useless as ever. 

Waiting to see if the new girls will have the sense to follow the old into the run and house….

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