
By Skysea7

One daffodil

I lost all the text I was editing when my doorbell rang! Re-doing it now.

I managed to drive to Tesco for Click and Ciolkect today. It had rained in the morning but as I left Tesco the sun came out. I stopped the car down at Charlestown (not a proper parking place) to get this photo. The tide was out so the inner harbour didn’t have any pretty blue water showing.

I had a phone appointment with my doctor yesterday. I hoped he would have news about my hospital test results. But the results have revealed only my kidney damage, but not the cause. Without a cause it’s hard to provide treatment. The only treatment once had us hours on a drip, and instructions to discontinue three medications which may have been causing damage. So it’s more waiting after I have more tests next week. It still feels like a nightmare.

I have asked about temporary home help. I can only stand and walk for a few minutes so can’t vacuum or do much cleaning. I’ve only managed to feed myself, feed the cats, and keep up with the laundry. I have discovered there is no home help available that I can afford. The cheapest I found is £20 an hour PLUS a premium of £100 if I want the help for under a month! I’m on a pension. It’s just not viable. I don’t know where to turn.

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