Flatland Southport / Boring Park
We arrived in Southport to a low cloud and drizzle welcome, and are now pitched on a typical Club site - serried ranks and no view.
We needed a few supplies so walked across Victoria Park to Morrisons. My Blip is of the park and trying to show how flat Southport is, and how featureless the park is. Without the trees planted along the dead straight paths, it could be just a big playing field. But all the trees are the same species and the same age. Surely it could have been more interesting?
The park's main claim to fame is hosting the Southport Flower Show, but clearly not in February.
My extra is of a pair of cats(?) that I came across in the park. I can see the pink one being linked to the flower show, and wonder if the black and orange one is masquerading as a pollen loving bee.
I hope to be.more positive about Southport tomorrow!
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