New Adventures

By P1nkdragen


First day of a week off  woo!  The weather has gone from the forecast of being nice for most of the week, to being pants most of the week.  Sods law.  At least we haven't paid to go anywhere. P got up early and came to circuits with me this morning - it's really nice to have him back around after three years of hard studying! 

We then decided on a lazy day and both did some jobs on the computer.  I was scouting info for our holiday later in the year - we're thinking Slovenia, I also laid the foundation of a sister trip with B to the lakes. I'm actually getting excited about it all now.

Recently we ditched the netflix subscription in favour of apple tv for a bit.  Caught up with Severance this afternoon, which is good, but I'm enjoying For All Mankind more.  It pushes all of my buttons - alternative history, space, soviet union intrigue, excellent character writing and a balance between heart-warming achievement and personal tradegy.  Just a shame we only get to see women as the President of USA, the head of NASA and commanders of important space missions only in fiction. But at least we see it there.

Blip is of the baby money plant I exchanged with neighbour W for a baby spider plant. It's started a little growth spurt, keen to see how fast it grows!

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