
By amandoAlentejo

Mouranense Chimneys

Looking out from the Market this morning to the place we lived during our first year in Mourão - balcony on left where I used to hang my washing. First blipped this stork, or its ancestor, eight years ago tomorrow, on this typical Mouranense chimney. It seems a very long time ago, somehow. Mourão has changed a lot - for the better, mostly - more life, happier, more hopeful.

After the Market, we had a hamburger at Morango Bar, Mike with a leek (French garlic in Portuguese = alho francês) sticking out of his rucksack. João was saying the same about Mourão having changed.

- getting started on emptying bookshelves so Mike can fit rest of skirting boards, wow, I have some great books; which ones can I bear to part with??
- prayer walking into town; it's been a while
- a long chat with Davi, the vet, and his wife, about the problem of a tomcat who keeps coming in, eating our cats' food, and stinking the place out; they gave some ideas

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