Smiling at you....
...smiling at me :-)
Jordan took Alan for a long overdue haircut yesterday and after being longer than usual due to his usual barber (the lovely Heather :-) being off, it was quite a shock when he came back with his usual short, back and sides. There's no denying that receding hairline now :-)
I was up and at 'em early raring to get into the pool, but the UV light wasn't working (it was working yesterday...sigh) so couldn't go in. The pool maintenance company won't see the email request asking for a visit till Monday so it's unlikely it will be fixed before Tuesday. Typical! I was really looking forward to spending some relaxing time in the warm water before my surgery.
Spent the afternoon tidying my bedside table drawers and getting my hospital bag packed. As I'm not sure how long I will be in hospital for, I came up with the genius idea (well I think it's genius :-)) of taking a second bag full of extra nightwear, underwear, juice, ginger biscuits etc to keep in the boot of the car so if I do run out of anything, it's on hand and I'm not having to give D instructions / directions to where things are. Less stressful for both of us :-))
Beef and red wine casserole with D's creamy mashed potatoes for dinner. Savoured it as I remember what the food was like in hospital last time I was there. I suspect D will be making sandwiches to bring in!
Last Tesco online order till after my op, done.
Time for a cuppa then an early night (by my usual standards :-) ) as trying to get as much quality sleep as possible before Tuesday.
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