Not So Secret

This morning SWMBO, Bags, Son-in-law, the Cygnet, Squirrel and I headed over to the arts festival in Pittenweem.

It is a typical East Neuk fishing village with lots of colour and hidden doors.

My biggest mistake today was taking the wee camera.
It was such a glorious day that seeing what I had taken was impossible - a common problem it would appear (I wonder if she was a blipper)

Of course the real reason for the trip was to see or favourite silversmith (James Brent-Ward at venue 20 down by the harbour if you go to the festival) who made the spoons I commissioned for each of the grandkids.
He had 2 new bowls for sale (far wallets required).
One of them has a bee on the inside and a spider on the underside.
The other is a wonderful blue with the very detailed silver octopus (unfortunately I didn't get the chance to photograph the outside.
Needless to say I bought more of his small work to add to my collection (I will save them for dry blip days).

After a picnic looking out to sea I went to see what large scale artwork was down by the harbour this year.
The best I could find was a crab and a fish ...... both of which had been to a picnic already.

There are a few decorated bikes about (they may be the large installation this year). This one was near the entrance/exit of the fairly well advertised 'secret tunnel' to/from the church.

On the way home we stopped in Elie for ice-cream --- next to to the church with the rather unusual octagonal bell tower.

Question .....................

Why do car drivers in Fife refuse to drive within 15mph of the allowed speed limit (even when the limit is only 20mph), brake for every corner no matter how small, refuse to pass cyclists/parked cars/dogs if there is an oncoming vehicle within sight even if it is about half a mile down the road and abiding by the same 'rules', insist on buying vehicles with indicators and have the inability to make a decision and stick to it? (extremely annoying and makes for very long journeys)

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