Seeing Spots
"Northern Flickers are large, brown woodpeckers with a gentle expression and handsome black-scalloped plumage. On walks, don’t be surprised if you scare one up from the ground. It’s not where you’d expect to find a woodpecker, but flickers eat mainly ants and beetles, digging for them with their unusual, slightly curved bill. When they fly you’ll see a flash of color in the wings – yellow if you’re in the East, red if you’re in the West – and a bright white flash on the rump."
This lovely chap couldn't find and insects on the patio today. In the Extra you can see a slight bit of the yellow feather, but not the red cap on the back of his head.
We did errands before the storm and went to the ocean for peace and fresh air after a week of terrifying changes in this country.
For the Record,
This day came in cloudy with light snow starting in the very late afternoon.
All hands stunned with the terrible edicts, firings and cruelty of the week from the Oval Office and the Muskrat.
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