Blush response

By Esper

This Earth Our Trove

On This Day In History
1923: Howard Carter opens Tutankhamun's tomb

Quote Of The Day
"We were astonished by the beauty and refinement of the art displayed by all the objects surpassing all we could have imagined - the impression was overwhelming."
(Howard Carter)

What A Wonderful World

On the subject of lost treasure, I've just watched a fascinating video by one of the best YouTubers on the web, Jaymez. It begins with a group of people finding an entrance to the lost city of Ratanaba. It progresses to show how Ratanaba in the Amazon seems to be connected by underground tunnels to Machu Picchu, Sumer, Babylonia, Egypt and even the Grand Canyon. Perfectly symmetrical drill holes are found in the rocks of all these ancient sites, as well as similar pictographs and construction techniques. LiDAR technology is now revealing the proof of what many explorers, researchers and scientists have long maintained but been held up to ridicule by the mainstream, that extra-terrestrial beings helped create the earliest human civilisations on this planet (as suggested in The Book Of Enoch.) In fact, as you will see if you watch Jaymez' video, those extra-terrestrials are still here and still regularly interacting with people in the Amazon.

Man Records "Alien Like Structure" In The Amazon Forest

Here is a very interesting article which is really worth reading: PROVEN: Scientists confirm the discovery of ancient buildings known as Ratanabá in the Amazon Includes proof that giants once existed, also in accordance with The Book Of Enoch.

And why are there no videos of anyone climbing or even going near the Cerro El Cono, a 488 metres high ancient pyramid in Peru? 

To be honest, I'm surprised Jaymez didn't refer to the ancient civilization being revealed by the melting ice in Antarctica, and the ancient civilization discovered on Mars.

"Strange, isn't it?" as Jaymez would say.  

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