This is why I love these guys!

Hi everyone!

Today, one of the girls from yesterday's group made a Facebook group for 6 of us - Best Friends.. (There was 7 in our group yesterday, but I found out the guy who was ill has been saying some mean things to one of the others, so he's no longer in it. No biggie - I barely knew or like him anyway!).

Next to Bianka and another person, these guys are definitely my best friends. I may have only known them for about a month, but there's that quote that says something like "It doesn't matter how long you've known someone, it's about...." Something nice, but I can't remember it....

Anyway, long story short, I've become so close to these guys in such a small amount of time, and I'm gonna try and keep them for life!

Have a nice Monday!

Steven :)

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