
By WeeDragon_J

Jaggy Feather

After lunch walk to the shop to get a paper and a few bits and bobs. Walked back via the park to see if spring was showing.

There was a feather caught on the jaggies and a few buds were beginning to show.


Last night was a trip to the Cancer Assessment Centre as had a bleeding nose and horrible headache - didn’t want to take anymore paracetamol until it was okay but temp was a bit higher but below worrying.

Bloods checked, okay and to take tablets but if another nosebleed or headache to phone back again.

Normally, you would just deal with a bleed, rest and get on. But some are side effects of meds and or treatment.

At least didn’t have to wait in minor injuries and had a room to myself to rest whilst awaiting Dr rounds.

Home just after midnight.

Still learning, the helpline booklet has things that you check before phoning & if in doubt phone anyway!

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