We were up bright and early this morning - Mr. HCB said he hadn’t slept that well, and I was singing in the Worship Group this week, otherwise I probably would have stayed at home with him, but he assured he wouldn’t do anything silly and said he would rest, so off I went to Church. It was a great service with a sermon that gave us food for thought, when the preacher asked if our life was “a bed of roses”? Ours certainly isn’t at the moment, with all that’s going on, but we still have a lot to be thankful for and we are!
I was originally going to include in my collage, just the Corry Family Band - the four shots down at the bottom right - I won’t tell you what their oldest son called it - however, it was quite funny and made me laugh. I then decided to include other Members of the group - Rob and Luke humoured me and even smiled for me as you can see. Debs, who always plays the piano so beautifully, was concentrating on what she was playing, and as far as Alison is concerned, it’s obviously quite hard to smile whilst playing a French Horn!
I think Luke thought I had taken leave of my senses when I took a photograph of all the wires, but it’s a little illustration in itself - because if we don’t get things in the proper place in our lives, then they don’t work out right and can cause us a lot of angst.
As you can imagine, lots of people were anxious to know how Mr. HCB had got on yesterday and to wish me well for tomorrow, so it was a while before I got my coffee after the service, but everyone was so kind and it was good to be able to report to him when I got home.
It was Communion today, hence the beautiful banner, and Nick, who led that part of the service reminded us of the origins of St. Valentine and of the great love that God has for each one of us. Then, whilst we were having coffee afterwards, a little girl ran up to me and showed me the gift they had made in their class this morning, with part of the famous John 3:16 verse written on the outside, so I have included that in my collage today. I wasn’t able to find out more about it, because she ran off again as children often do!
Hope you all have a good week - not sure what I will Blip tomorrow - as we have to be at the Clinic by 8.30 a.m., but no doubt I will find something, but please excuse my lack of commenting at the moment. M xx
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