Ambling Camera

By AmblingCamera

Black Backed Gull

The Mistress is sick today. Too sick to blip, so she cheated. She used me to take a photo of the carpet, which means that she took a photo today. Then she painted it black in photoshop to make a black background. Then went to one of her images she hadn't ever worked on before, tarted it up, then copied it on to the black background.

There. But honestly, she has a bad virus, no energy, sore throat, cold, shivery, sleepy, and she honestly could not even move except to take a photo of the carpet. She can still work the computer though. Just. Laptops are good like that.

To get such a closeup shot of the Black Backed Gull - these birds are surprisingly not fearful. They are also incredibly intelligent. The Mistress has seen them open chilly-bins on beaches and steal food while the owners are swimming.

Bread, Fish and Chips, anything food, and the Mistress encourages them to take food from her hands and gets them comfortable with her until she can take images right up close. Try it some time - you'll be pleased with the results. It's not unusual to see her sitting on a sea wall with a Gull sitting next to her!

So - technically - The Mistress took the base image today!!

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