
By LesTension


It's Mono Monday and the theme is ....UGLY.
This Waldrapp Ibis, which lives at the zoo in Milwaukee, is one ugly bird.  You've heard about the kind that only a mother could love?  This is one of them.  The chicks are really UGGO man...unfortunately, they have grown into the one at the left which is, apparently, still begging to be fed.
EXTRA:  Icicles hanging off the south rain gutter of my house...not particularly ugly but a nice B&W pic.  It's -3°F. (-19°C.) static temperature out there right now.  Factor in the wind of 35mph (56kph) and the wind chill temperature is -27°F (-33°C.).    Most people associate icicles with very cold temperatures....the truth is that they form when temperatures are moderate.  Warm enough to cause some melt water to drip down and then refreeze which causes the icicle to grow larger.  Unfortunately, in the far north, after a warm up, Mother Nature typically throws some very cold Arctic air from Canada at us.  Thats' why it's -3°F. out there right now.

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