20’s plenty
There has always been a concern about traffic not taking care through our village. The through road is in parts quite narrow and windy, there is very little in the way of pavements and cars are always parked at the side of the road, especially at weekends. So people, often with children and very often with dogs, have to walk in the road. Local people and most visitors are aware of these issues and drive reasonably through. But there are issues with some vehicles going too fast. Sadly this is often farm vehicles - tractors and quads throughout the day, some of whom seem to need to drive at speed. At grass cutting time this is a real worry as the huge tractors and trucks speed through the village as they try to get the job done as quickly as possible.
A few years ago children in the village made signs and put them up - this is one and there is another in extras. They are old now, the children are teenagers and older. But we may soon have some proper signs.
Last year we were asked whether we wanted a 20 mph speed limit and we had the opportunity to complete a questionnaire and vote. The village vote was - YES. As it was in several villages around. (A few villages voted NO.) It has recently been announced that we are in a group of places which can have the 20mph speed limit. Of course it will be a long time before it becomes a reality but at least we are closer to getting the result we want.
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