secret garden

By freespiral


You would think we were used to rain living in Ireland but there was some incredible stuff hammering down on us last night. None of us slept very well but the morning was fresh and clear and all three of us headed off to the amazing beach with an extraordinary name which is hard to remember and to say - Rangihaeata. You have to go at low tide as it's easy to get caught out as the sea sweeps back in at some speed. Miles of squelchy soft sand, shells and rather amazingly, the remains of a petrified forest. We saw one woman, her bouncy dog, many oystercatchers and the odd heron. Glorious.
After lunch I worked in Joe's garden and got drenched - twice. All the weeds came up no bother

Esme back after school, covered in purple and orange paint (she had been painting butterflies) and in a relaxed and charming mood. We made pizzas ( mozzarella a new and much appreciated delight) ate mangoes, played the animal game and watched a few episodes of Bluey which I much enjoyed. I did bath time and Himself did storytime. I am now having a large glass of something chilled and Kiwi. And it's absolutely lashing again?

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