
By dunkyc

Quality Sunday

We had a bit of a lie-in today and then headed over to Grange over Sands (where it is always sunny).

The Youngest wanted some more time with her skateboard (she’s so good on it) and m’boy was up for a scoot and a kick about on the five aside pitch at the end of the prom.

Despite a chilly breeze, we were there for ages and had a great game. It’s nice to see his passion for the game returning. The Youngest was working on coming down ramps on the board and seemed to have it pretty well mastered at a low level.

The afternoon was spent completely rearranging m’boy’s bedroom - I think he fancied a bit of a refresh - and it does look better now and he has a little more space to operate in.

I carved out a little time for a nap in front of the football and then cooked up some lamb chops for the first time with some roasted veg for tea.

It’s been yet another cracking weekend and so nice to have such quality time with the wee ones!

P.S. Thank you for all the love for yesterday’s “serene swan”! 

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