Kissing Cousins
Yesterday, Wendy and I flew to South Texas for another photo adventure. We started our adventure as three, meeting up with J., our third team member from our Zimanga, SA trip last year. It was a happy reunion and we spent the morning at the Laguna Seca Ranch where we were entertained for hours photographing many different and beautiful birds.
This a a male Northern Cardinal, on the left and a male Pyrruloxia, a.k.a as "desert cardinal', commonly found in the dry country of the Southwest. It is similar to the Northern Cardinal in its song and behavior. The name 'Pyrrhuloxia,' formerly part of this bird's scientific name, combines the Latin term for the Bullfinch with a Greek reference to the bird's bill shape."
An Audubon Oriole can be found in extra.
Backblipped 2/18/2025
I am doing a recap of our fabulous trip.
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