
By 58jc

Wise words

Anyone who reads this regularly will know I love a positive quote or affirmation.  This popped up on my insta and although not a huge fan of Tolkein (I did sit through the films when the children were of that age but not really my thing), I do love these words.  There are so many poems  about death but nothing takes away the raw feeling that your loved ones are no longer here and although I have a faith, can't be sure they are there either?!  One day I will find out.

OH played golf today and was dressed up in several layers against the cold.  I made a cup of tea and went back to bed and scrolled and found myself watching the funeral film again and the photo collage which a good friend of Aimee put together. Lots of tears.  I also listened to some of the voice notes I have saved.  I did feel better after hearing her voice and was chatting to her for ages, pottering around her room and talking as if she was still here...................

I was waiting for a delivery from Royal Mail which did come when it said it would but was a bit late for lunch with the girls.  I had taken a few of Aimee's postcards with me and gave one to each of them and asked them not to forget her.  Good friend L says she thinks about her every day.

Nails ready for holiday and then home again.  OH had a headache after visit to care home (too hot in there) so had a sleep.

Day done 

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