New Toy
Don't know how he knew it was his, but he made a bee line for the shopping bag and tried to take it out - he is usually not bothered with shopping bags and if he does take sniff he will listen when we tell him to move away. Not today. I did get him to sit to give me a chance to take the toy out and give it to him. Then paced around for about 10 minutes before he settled on the couch. where I had to wrestle it from him to cut the tag/label off. When I let him sniff the tag later he immediately went to find the toy where he left in on (one of) his bed(s).
Now I have to put one of his other toys aways so that it is "new" again in a few months.
Back to work tomorrow. I had today and yesterday off for my birthday on Sunday. It was a nice short break from the routine.
Seafood for tea.
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