
By TonyG

The Old and The New

There's still a good display of crocuses in the cold frames and an increasing number appearing in the garden too.  The cold weather has kept them in check, with milder air on the way, I'm hoping for some sun to open them before the warmth finishes them off.   

Today's pick included Crocus angustifolius on the left, known as the Cloth of Gold Crocus.  It's one of the very first that I acquired, bought in flower at Wisley back in February 1991.   It grew happily outside in the garden for many years in Norwich, rescued from an overgrown patch a while before I moved away.   A tough survivor.   On the right, Crocus adanensis, one the more recent acquisitions, as seed sown in 2018.   Not likely to be a garden survivor, if for no other reason than that I have very few to experiment with.

Another day taken gently which followed a familiar pattern.  A walk with Meg, some glazing time at pottery and I dropped a couple of bags of things at a charity shop.   Soup lunch and an afternoon of assorted jobs at home.   Singing was uplifting as always this evening so all in all it's been a nice day.   Yesterday I was feeling a bit 'off' but less so today so hopefully if I take it gently, I'll continue on the up.

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