a lifetime burning

By Sheol


Full disclosure here, this shot of a short eared owl over the Cotswolds was taken yesterday afternoon, shortly before I bumped into JDO.  The owl had been popping up every 20 minutes or so to hunt, in what were moderately breezy conditions.  But soon after this shot the owl managed to spot and grab a vole.  After a few minutes it then flew off a short distance to some denser cover where it settled down - and stayed down.  I think it had probably decided to eat the vole there and then rather than cache it for later, as I waited nearly an hour for the bird to reappear, before deciding to call it a day.

So strictly it is a breach of Blip's etiquette for me to use this one as today's blip, but it was such a nice shot of an owl that I wanted to share it.

Today has otherwise largely been spent getting my hair cut.  It being half-term the barbers was full of parents with their school age off-spring so there was a very long queue.  I normally try to avoid visiting the barbers during  the going back to school and half-term periods for exactly this reason, but, what with one thing and another I'd allowed things to get out of hand - and I don't think that anyone is quite ready for a return to my lockdown hair - I know I'm not.

This afternoon I am off to Bristol to meet up with some friends met via work, for an evening of tapas and jollity.  I had thought that I might catch the "Becoming Led Zeppelin" film beforehand, but Bristol has a paucity of town centre cinemas so I've given that idea up as impractical.  Still it is due to rain for the next couple of days, so maybe tomorrow ...

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