Busy morning with housework & visiting Joan, then an early Lunch when I got a phone call from my friend Cath who I don't see very often as she works funny hours; she said she was visiting Sharon at 2pm & as I was going too would I like her to pick me up on route.
I said yes that would be nice.
Cath arrived around 2pm which was lovely; we chatted along the way about things & the best way to Sharon's house; I said for her to go the way she knows, so that was ok, we arrived at Sharon's safely.
Tea in hand we all chatted; I then asked if they would witness me signing my Will, so that was something I needed 2 witnesses at the same time to do.
We continued to chat & Cath told us that my ex Husband was moving to Hailsham on Friday; well I knew he was moving, but didn't know when, nor need do I.
We were shown around the Bungalow as Sharon had been decorating her Bedroom, it looked lovely.
While Cath & Sharon were chatting in the Spare room I caught this lovely photo of Ollie the Cat.
Around 6pm Cath said we should go home, I wanted to go around 5pm, but as she was driving I had to wait.
I asked Cath about wearing glasses, she said she should, but doesn't, OMG! I don't want to go in her car again, it felt like we had a few near misses driving in the dark.
Home safe & alive... dinner was late, but I was so happy to be home. :)
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