Festive Bikes in Treillieres

Well, I have to say there was an entry about his Lordship and me in today's edition of 'Ouest France', along with a few other entries about couples with well established bus passes, but HL decided the photograph was too dire and has forbidden its publication on this site.

Since our ride today was in the company of several thousand cyclists and I was being paced by HL lest I forge ahead too early and die in the second half of the ride, there was no chance as yesterday to stop and get a blip. In fact most of the ride was along tree lined avenues and roads bordered by fields of corn and those where the wheat had been harvested : no scenic views of the Loire.

Usually during the Semaine week, the villages we pass through are decorated with all manner of bicycle adornment. So far on the outskirts of Nantes, we haven't seen many small villages and there has been a dearth of regalia in those we have passed.

The exception today was Fay de Bretagne where there was an 'accueil ' for passing cyclists with food and drink, but my pacesetter kept going.
Fortunately I managed to stop him on the outskirts of Treillieres to blip this collection of small bikes adorned with flowers at the roadside.

And so with 50 miles under our wheels today, the ice cream back at the Permanence never felt so good.
Now that we are showered and changed, we are hoping to meet up with London friends who are younger than us as and still enjoy cycle camping.

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