Eye to Eye

By HilarysView

Breakfast on the Edge

It’s been a while since I managed to see our local bouquetin herd as you have to pass the skiers on the Grand Chamossaire to do that. This female, looking very plump, possibly pregnant, seemed to be waiting for me. She was apart from the rest of the herd and, after posing, wandered off to show me where the other ladies were having their breakfast with a young male (extra, can young see 4 ladies and one young male?). They were appreciating the warmth of the sun melting the snow and exposing their breakfast. So far they have had an easy winter.

Dentist and gardening afternoon. No classes this week so I can go to see the Dalai Lama film this evening, what a treat. 

Some of your comments on yesterday’s « Loo with a View » had me chuckling! On your bucket list! 

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