....originally provided by the fermer to his itinerant workers, sometimes free for the duration of the contract and sometimes for a rent. My great grandmother and her people were Berwickshire farming folk and each generation was born on different farms around Whitsome, as parents moved from contract to contract. Several of my relatives were Stewards, modern day farm managers, in and around Berwickshire.
A day of shifting muck from the sloping site of the proposed poly-tunnel to the hole I'm filling, to level-off the site where the oil tank pad is to be poured. I'll be at this for a few days.
These buildings were created when Muirhouselaw Farm was re-built in the 1880s on the site of a much older farm, which in turn was on the site of a medieval tower with a moat. I took the image when rat-running on the backroad avoiding the considerable road maintenance traffic queues on the A68.
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