I think I've probably blipped this before, but I had no other photos today and I've rescanned Mum and Dad's wedding photo to try and enhance it slightly and get rid of some of the blemishes so that I can get a fresh print made to hang on the wall. Both aged 22, they married at Paddington Registry Office in October 1950 with a special licence. Dad was a medical student and Mum a staff nurse at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington and they borrowed everything for the occasion. They had some better-off friends, one of whom supplied the car just for the photo which he took as well. Afterwards Mum had to go back to work, and to grovel to Matron and apologise for getting married without her permission (or her own father's), and plead to keep her job, making her one of the first married nurses, although she was pregnant with me within a couple of months and had to leave anyway. Dad rushed off from the wedding to play rugby but was very slightly late and was left out of the team for unpunctuality and not taking the game seriously enough! They were married for nearly 58 years.
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