Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

This day…
I had an appointment just before lunch, but the person I had the meeting with never showed up. That’s very strange. I made another errand at the reception, and also told about the no-show person for my meeting. She was surprised, and went to look for him or anyone else in his group. She came back and said that she couldn’t find anyone! But, it was logged that I came, so I went again.
Took the bus across town to pick up that parcle our postal service had sent to another location. Stepped into an empty little store and after a second or two, out stepps a friend of mine I haven’t seen for many years! His wife didn’t like me, so in the end our contact just dwindled… He’s divorced now and we chatted for a bit. Both of us surprised that the postal service hit the nail on this one.
Then home, via the supermarket, and then couch with snacks…
Crazy day.

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