
By tookie

A little of this… a little of that..

A long but good day overall. I began trying to schedule an MRI to see how my torn rotator cuff is doing after almost a year of Pt and various treatments. I’m still working on getting that set up because of playing phone tag with the medical facilities
Then a nice chin wag with blipper Dreaming where we solved the pest issues and musk rats ——- NOT . We both participated later in a zoom with Fair Fight that had Stacey Abrams and Joyce Vance on discussing strategies and goings on . Fair Fight tries to help register as many folks as possible and works to protect our right to vote. Meanwhile the republicans try to suppress targeted pockets of people — usually voters of color and woman so that there are less possible democratic voters .
In the evening we went to see Z’s play again -/ it was really quite a spectacle tonight as two actors ended up vomiting onstage most likely from noro virus which is spreading rapidly throughout the schools here. We hope we stay well
A couple pics I put In that my dil took too of Branch and my so and Branch with Z

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