
By simonslife

More gifts from heaven.

The grass and all plants and animals will be benefiting from the few short showers that fell today, the increase in daylight hours and the warmth of the southerly breeze certainly felt like a pleasant change.
Woodcock seem to be in the increase, maybe because today’s hunting fraternity has become less skilled now, as they stand on artificial platforms and have their prey herded into the path of their weapons?
A joyful stroll through the Devonshire countryside with wildlife in abundance.
Another reorganisation of Amadeus and a deep clean, clearing out more of the unnecessary paraphernalia that I’ve been saving.
Lunch consisted of the last of my pigeon and pheasant giblet compote with added kale that I’d foraged earlier, a reduced yellow ticketed 49 pence bowl of salad helped stave off my hunger.
We popped out for a run along the trail and beach with good visibility lasting well after 6pm.
Nipped in to a very empty Sainsbury’s for bread and milk before popping Dippy back to Amadeus and heading off to choir practice. A wonderful time was spent with several new members adding to the harmonious mix. I was able to gift the remaining 8 oven ready pheasants to grateful friends.

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