Every Picture Tells .....


Blue Lion, Cwm


A bitterly cold day.

A ten minute drive over to the nearby hamlet of Cwm for lunch at the Blue Lion with friends Ann and Mike.

The Blue Lion was originally built as a residence for monks in the early 17th Century. Legend says it has an underground tunnel to the local churchyard with monks buried in the walls.

Today the Blue Lion is reputed to be haunted by several ghosts including the wandering John Henry. Rattlings and bangs are to be heard, along with heavy footsteps on old floorboards. In the 1960s, the landlord’s wife claimed to often see a young man, dressed in old fashioned outdoor clothes. He would stare at her for a moment, before leaving with a curious ducking movement, as if avoiding a low level doorframe that no longer existed.

The photograph was taken from the St. Mael and St. Sulien churchyard. The church dates back to 1430.

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