Silbury Hill Again (Wednesday 19th February 2025)
I talked myself into a shopping trip to Marlborough, mainly so that I would drive past Silbury Hill again and see if the heron was still there. On the outward journey I could see the heron (see Extra) but it soon disappeared into the reeds and couldn't be photographed. I tried again on my way home and it was still in the field but nearer. It was so far away that it was hard to find through the viewfinder and very difficult to keep in the frame and to focus. Most of the results were instantly deleted, but this one is just about sharp enough.
The latest on the solar panels is that half of them are now generating and in the first 24 hours generated 0.3 kWh. Further investigation will take place this afternoon.
Thursday 20.2.2025 (1046 hr)
Blip #4220 (#3970 + 250 archived blips taken 27.8.1960-18.3.2010)
Consecutive Blip #004
Blips/Extras In 2025 #018/265 + 013/100 Extras
Day #5446 (1422 gaps from 26.3.2010)
Lozarithm's Lozarhythm Of The Day #3359 (#3199 + 160 in archived blips)
Taken with Nikon Coolpix P900 (24-2000mm equivalent bridge camera) at an equivalent 850mm and cropped.
Herons series
Birds series
Avebury series
Silbury Hill series
Lozarithm's Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Domenique Dumont - Watching Boats Pass By (2020)
As heard on Night Tracks (R3).
One year ago:
Calne Town Gardens
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