
By DancingAly

Valentine's ...

A bright and sunny day even if it was freezing. Didn't do a lot, just went to get my car washed as it was dry. Shelle asked if we could pick up Lucy and in the end I took the baby in his carrier and my dad took the dog and waited outside. Lou was pleased to see us, and we walked back home in the sunshine. My dad took Gabriel and her home while I continued on to the woods with Little B. Nobody else wanted to walk him as it was too cold, but I really wanted to get out there as it was so beautiful. 

Boden hasn't really had a fun time with us the last few weeks so it was nice to spend some time just the two of us having a little dandle in the woods. When I got back Lucy was entertaining the baby, as seen in the pic ;-) 

I had a little gift for her, some chocolates 'A dozen little lovebirds' and a card, and she was very pleased! 

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