
By MerrilHope

Lamb Baby

Today Rufus took his fav toy, 'Lamb Baby' to the park where they both had lots of fun and exercise for an hour. Actually, it's Lamb Baby V, and will eventually go to the dog toy box in the sky along with Lamb Babies I - IV, but please don't tell Rufus.

Simon called to drop off the next two chapters for proof reading and we talked about the two chapters I finished reading yesterday. I've been wondering how I might go about getting work as a proof reader, what qualifications I might need,  and asked him to enquire at his publishers on my behalf.  This weekend, I'm going to help Maddy with editing/proof reading her dissertation. 

Family dinner this evening at my house, and my turn to cook for bro, niece, nephew and his g/f.  

No sun today and cold, but no rain either, so that's a +ve.

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