today's another day

By dbrereton

Last Run

Joseph's last run this year was up a little slope in a wheelchair, with a 40 min trip down the mountain to the 'Klinic'.

After an innocuous fall while actually not straight-lining, and trying to perfect his carving technique, he lost an edge on some ice. 

That would have normally been ok but then met with a bank of frozen snow at the side of the piste. Only one winner, and he popped his shoulder and then has ended up with a ACJ injury.

Thank fully nothing broken, and no need for surgery found yet. Check ups when home but he's already on the mend. Just wuffed a cheeseburger down, a late lunch.

Despite this happening while abroad the whole was to get rescued, taken to hospital, seen and sorted was no more than 3 hours in its making.

He's not skiing again, and I'm not either...swapped for a snowboard or as I like to refer to it as, as Slowboard.

Anyway, panic over - no issues with flying, hospital stays etc etc etc. Been there are done that with Mrs B in 2019, don't need to revisit!

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