Js funeral
We went to Js funeral today at 10am. We have known her for over 30 years and she was 98 and had spent the last few years in a care home.
We had known he’s mainly through folk dancing and all the people in the picture were dancers.
Js son arranged the funeral and we were all rather disappointed in the service it was a religious funeral but no eulogy and next to no personal stuff.
She had led such an interesting life starting in the war as a telegram operator and delivery girl often delivering the dreadful missing person telegrams to people she knew. Her husband J had served in the navy with prince Philip
They had danced and been to Germany to international danced and I think in the royal Albert Hall
There was no official wake or meeting after the funeral but one of the lead dancers found this little cafe not far from the crematorium so all the dancers went there and had a lovely chat and reminisced about her and past times
We went to the garden centre on the way home for lunch
That’s about it for today
Much warmer but cloudy with heavy showers
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