Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Abbot's Hospital

True to the forecast it was much milder today, but grey and drizzling, such a dull day. 

I met a friend in Guildford for lunch at Pho the Vietnamese restaurant - I had a prawn and pomelo salad which I so enjoyed eating when we were in Vietnam and it was nothing like the ones I had there, I guess the herbs and spices we get here are just not the same as the fresh ones grown there. 

It was raining so I did not loiter about but I did get a photo of Abbot's Hospital in the high street. It was a hospital founded by George Abbot, the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1619. Today it is no longer used as a hospital but instead provides sheltered housing for 30 elderly and impoverished people in Guildford. Rooms can also be hired for functions.

I really hate it when I order something on the internet and it looks like a UK based company only to find when I want to return it that it is based abroad. I bought an expensive Kase lens filter that was the wrong one so I need to return it but I have discovered that it was shipped from Hong Kong. I am now having a problem trying to return it as I need commercial invoices and tariff codes and shipping is so expensive, it is quite frankly just a pain in the backside to send back. I will go chat to our friendly local post office about it tomorrow to see if there is an easier way of returning it.

Tonight I am going to London where Gavin and I are meeting up with Luke and Meriel to celebrate Meriel's birthday which was on Sunday, when I was away in Scotland. Luckily my salad lunch was a really small portion (far too small!) so I can manage to eat dinner out - we are going to a very good Indian restaurant that we have been to before so I know the food will be good.

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