Silly one
Better photos but
this exchange was funniest :-)
Fallen tree 'chat time'.
So we braved the weather for a walk at Talkin Tarn, Mr KCNQ2Haiku ran there and we met him with a change of clothes etc, so he was tired before we'd even started! We bought some cake at the cafe and I was doling it out to Ben in increments to keep him going. We came to this fallen tree which we couldn't remember being there last time we were here, Mr KCNQ2Haiku was chatting to Ben about it whilst I was bringing up the rear, trying to get Leo to stop sniffing grassy tufts and Keep Up With the Group(!) So I'm nagging a dog, only half listening and I hear from Mr KCNQ2Haiku, "Wow, what do you think happened there?" Without missing a beat Ben just shrugged and said "You know what I’m thinking.. Beavers". It really made me laugh, he doesn't always mean to but he has excellent comic timing :-) The discussion got sillier as he proceeded to posture that they might have been Giant Rancid Beavers but who knows, could have just been the wind!
Not much else to report.
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