MMC25: Day 19
I'm a little behind so bear with me...
The day was packed with stuff. I met up with several friends from the Singles group for breakfast at a local restaurant. I don't have a regular day of the week for therapy yet, so I had that session today. There was a Homeowners Association meeting where it was announced that I won the election for a seat on the Board. I will be the new secretary and will not only be responsible for the minutes but also a newsletter. Lastly, I had an early evening appointment with my nurse practitioner. Apparently, some arthritis showed up in the thoracic spine x-rays. The inflammation in the shoulder blades causing the acute pain is likely as the result of the arthritis. I had the option of going to physical therapy but passed. I think I should reconsider that because I can't seek relief from a pain specialist unless I've tried PT first (it's an insurance thing). Other than that, I didn't do much. :-)
I call this blip the wood shop man. The HOA meeting was at one of the recreation centers. I arrived early and thought I'd look into the wood shop to see what it looked like. This gentleman gave me the nickel tour of the facility, which was huge. He generously allowed me to take his picture.
Before I die I am going to eat a whole bag of unpopped popcorn.
That should make the cremation a little more interesting.
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