Krispy Kremes
I was less apprehensive about dropping G off and driving to work, but I could not find the same parking area as yesterday. Bummer. Oh well. It will take a few weeks to get used to the new place.
The workday went well. The highlight was these doughnuts that were ordered as a late Valentine's Day celebration. It is the first time that the team have got together to spend a few minutes in these comfy chairs. Areas like this are dotted all around the office.
Unlike the last two days, when G took the Metro back home, she decided to get a ride with me. This way, she got to see the new building that I'm in. However, security is so tight that I could not show her the new office.
It was great to have an evening in the flat. I edited the pictures that G took in the morning and prepared the ones to post here but ran out of time and energy to fill in my journal.
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