The morning perambulation
Another relaxing and pleasant day. After breakfast we went for a stroll on Pohara beach, the tide out, the reflections mighty and the oystercatchers numerous. The little bandstand is an unexpected and odd sight in the side of the road.
We shared a brekky muff at a nearby cafe then went into Takaka in search of some face paint and a birthday card - Esme is invited to a party tomorrow, the theme being jungle! She has leopardskin leggings, top, hairband, braces, tail and bow tie! There is apparently going to be a water slide so I don't imagine the clothes will stay on for very long! A big day for it's a sleepover and, if she hasn't overindulged, there might also be a pizza at Dangerous!
We took bags of her old clothes and toys to the charity shop, an impressively stocked and laid out shop.
More work in the garden ensued while Joe worked on the tiny. Himself and I escaped for a swim, much calmer and no bitey things. KeenKen told me yesterday's unwelcome bitey things in the swimming cossie might have been sea lice. Euughhh and I fear he was right. I am a magnet for anything bitey.
The day has just finished with some fush and chups, good as ....
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