2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

Popcorn diamonds

Worked from home today.  I've only generally been doing one day at home although we are allowed up to two. Surprisingly it was 12.30 before I'd really noticed. Another advantage was being able to listen to a meeting using a little speaker rather than headphones.  They get really uncomfortable after an hour and I didn't have to say anything so didn't need a mike. 
Went for a walk in the drizzle after I'd finished for the day just to move for a bit.  My achy bum and hip felt better for a brisk walk. 
I'm still working on little motifs that will make a bigger blanket. I should probably count up how many of each colour set I've already made so I know which ones to work on next.  I think I need 32 of these popcorn diamonds. 

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