Is it Art?
Quite a nice day. My phone told me that I walked 7.75 miles or 16,368 steps. (Actually, slightly more walked as I was home after midnight.)
After walking Brown Dog I went to the Tate Modern to see the "Electric Dreams" exhibition. I can't say it was the most exciting thing and the place was knee deep in small children (half term) though they stayed well clear of me. The picture is one of the more interesting ones I took.
In the extras I have included another shadow selfie , which I was quite pleased with.
In the Turbine Hall was some art which just looked like a load of rags floating from the ceiling. Maybe I am a philistine, it left me completely unmoved. There is an extra for perusal if anyone wants to enjoy it.
I then, after refreshments went to Brixton to see Mogwai.(Present from my children)
The two support bands were rubbish, but Mogwai were excellent.
With a small, fixed lens camera I was too far away for a proper on-stage picture but one of the nice, empty side bits is in the extras to show I was there.
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