Hanging in there
This morning was very windy and rainy. I met my bowling friends for coffee in Wilson's, it's always an enjoyable morning!
Afterwards I picked F up and we went to a bathroom company in the town to discuss the design and products ( he had already measured up). It was very useful having F there as his knowledge of building and fitting meant that he could question things that I wouldn't have known about. We were there for almost two hours making choices! I don't know the price yet, they will let me know by Monday. Unlike Tuesday's company, the price is held for 30 days.
Afterwards I did a quick bit of food shopping before coming home.
I hadn't got a blip (I'd intended getting one in Oswestry but forgot) so needed an emergency one.
On Wednesday when I came to stay, she made a mobile of weather items from cardboard, sequins and thread. She was so pleased with it that she made a second one of things that fly. I put them on a coat hanger and strung them from kitchen cupboard doors to photograph. I'll take them to her house on Sunday.
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