Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Utrecht's Railway Museum

What a lovely day! I'm so glad that i decided to take Ed out of nursery today. We decided to go to the Spoorwegen Railway Museum (I got the tickets yesterday evening) as Little Man is currently obsessed with trains.

Little Man and I met James and Debbie in Woerden; we got the train to Utrecht Central. We got a coffee and then slowly walked to the museum. There was a train going to the museum, which is built in an old train station, but since it was such a lovely day (18⁰C, 64.4⁰F, with a cold wind). The museum was incredible. They have so many different trains, both engines and coaches, many of which you can board. So we spent about an hour and a half just exploring. Little Man was in his element. He was running about and going into the different trains. He also loved having his grandparents with us. It did make it a lot easier having three adults watching him, instead just one. If he lost sight of one of his grandparents he's call them, or he'd call them to tell them there were trains (see the extra photos).

We then got lunch near the centre of Utrecht, and did a spot of shopping. I popped into the Doc Martens shop to get some new shoe laces, as my boots needed a new pair. We then got the train back to Woerden, and then drove home. We'd put Little Man's carseat into Debbie's car last night (much to Little Man's irritation as he thought he was going to have a car ride last night).

Since we'd had a large lunch, we had soup for dinner (Little Man had scrambled eggs). The evening was spent relaxing and laughing at Little Man's antics.

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