And then there was light!
I got a message early that Stef is still poorly and wouldn’t make it today. Another lone day with no set plans! So, I forced myself out with Dog and decided to make use of the morning going to the hearing clinic for free batteries. I usually just buy them as clinic is only open when I’m at work. The nurse then told me I should be going every three months to get new tubes too - it’s been a year since I got the aids, so now she wanted me to book another hearing check! I said I’d do it in the Easter holidays so she gave me extra batteries to last, so good result.
Drove round to Stef’s and left the potted plant on the doorstep before heading home to deal with the light in the utility room. Unsure whether it was the bulb or the starter motor I decided I’d get them both down, sort sizes and then go and buy both. Ladder out garage, fluorescent tube out, starter motor crumbled as I touched it. Long story short is that the electrician was in the area, and found that the previous owners (remember Billy Bodger?) had painted around and over the fitting. New one needed, nothing local and in the end, the whole thing replacement and fitting of cost £130.
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