First of all thank you for all the lovely comments on yesterdays milestone blip as well as the stars and hearts. It was lovely to read your kind words.
The weather today has been rainy and very windy. My brother Colin and his friend Priscilla were due this afternoon to cut up the fallen lilac tree and I did think they might cancel. Colin did message a couple of times saying he was thinking of cancelling.... but in the end Priscilla persuaded him to come. She was well wrapped up in a waterproof jacket and armed with her chainsaw she was ready to go.
Most of the tree was cut up ... but then the chainsaw ran out of battery. The car boot was full of wood by this time anyway. And it was starting to rain heavier. So they headed off back to Colin's house. Colin is keeping some of the wood for his " projects " and Priscilla will take the rest for her log burner. Colin spent some time in the cat enclosure measuring up as he's building a cat tree to go out there. Hes been doing it for a while and it seems to be getting bigger and grander by the day. Can't wait to see it. But it might be a while. Hes a perfectionist and he won't bring it till he's 100% happy with it. The design is " top secret " but I'm getting the impression it might have an Egyptian theme. Colin enjoyed his outing and said it was the best day he had had for a long time ( he doesn't go out much due to his Asperger's.) They are coming back in a fortnight to finish the job.
My collage shows the fallen tree before it was cut up, Priscilla, the tree after she had been working on it and .... for Flower Friday - a solitary crocus flower we found growing among the fallen branches.
It was around 4.45pm when they left and I was about to settle down and relax with a cup of coffee when I got a WhatsApp message from Becky reminding me we had arranged to do a workout session together at 5pm.( I had totally forgotten about it ) So I quickly found my little weights and exercise band and we got started. We had fun doing various easy exercises for half an hour . Its what we used to do during lockdown and Becky fancied doing it again. After all that I was really ready for a sit down and a cup of coffee.
Steps today - 6,136
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